
The Quest for Recovery after the COVID-19 Jab

This is the story of Esther, a woman full of energy at 52, who suddenly found herself anchored to the couch with various unpleasant symptoms. Her life, once filled with vibrant social activities and a loving family, took an unexpected turn after her COVID-19 vaccination in February 2021. As a dedicated caregiver for people with disabilities, she took the jab to protect vulnerable individuals in her community. She trusted it—partly due to her prior experience with fifteen different vaccines during her time in the navy—that everything would be fine.

Almost immediately after the COVID-19 jab, problems began to arise: persistent excruciating headaches followed by acidification and tingling in her legs. “After a few days of severe stabbing headaches and a kind of creaking sounds in my head, my legs and fatigue started. When I walked up the stairs, my legs were already acidified, then stiff and painful. I could do less and less. Walk less far, do fewer chores at home, and became fatigued much more quickly,” she said.

Misfortune or coincidence?
Initially she tried to find answers, but encountered a lack of understanding through medical assistance. Her symptoms were dismissed as possible overwork or transitional phenomena. After various examinations, the advice was simply to “take it easy.” Consequently, she continued working, albeit with adjusted duties.

“At that time, I hadn’t realized that my symptoms were due to the corona vaccine. I had some doubts, but, well, no one had anything similar with nerve pain or tingling, and there was little to no information about side effects. Brain fog was pretty much the only thing recognized for Long COVID cases,” she explained. On October 6, 2021, Esther took her second COVID-19 jab. Her symptoms worsened, and she could stand on her legs for increasingly shorter periods. “I felt my legs like spaghetti, had muscle spasms, a trembling left arm, and excruciating pain around my heart. I couldn’t even sit or lie comfortably.” Esther was treated in the hospital for an inflamed pericardium, but a week later, she was back home with the advice to “take it easy.” Both her physical and cognitive health deteriorated steadily, and she grappled with speech delays, heart issues, and paralyzing pain.

The cause of all these problems and how to treat them remained unclear. Various examinations were initiated again, but unfortunately, without results. In February 2022, Esther collapsed completely. She then embarked on a Long COVID trajectory that lasted about seven months. The impact on her daily life was devastating. Esther had to adjust her work, give up social activities, and grapple with cognitive challenges. Medical professionals were skeptical of her symptoms, leaving her feeling dismissed. Her energy was entirely depleted by even the simplest tasks, and she had to learn to cope with her changing personality and limitations. The occupational therapist from her Long COVID program observed that Esther’s symptoms and recovery differed from those of other Long COVID patients and could no longer assist her. She then referred Esther to a neurologist for further investigation.

Research and Treatments
This quest for assistance turned into a labyrinth of medical appointments, examinations, and treatments. Based on a QEEG scan (a type of energy map of the brain), it was concluded that parts of Esther’s brain were not actively participating or functioning well. The neurologist at VieCuri conducted an EEG scan and MRI scan. The EEG scan revealed brain delays, but they were unsure how to proceed with these results. The MRI scan showed unexplained white spots, attributed to ‘possibly related to age.’ Esther was then referred to another neurologist at AMC for further investigation. There, functional tremors in her legs were confirmed, providing evidence of a chronic neurological condition. Her conditions were categorized as Functional Neurological Symptoms (FNS). Meanwhile, Esther tried various methods to recover. Acupuncture and an orthomolecular specialist provided some relief but yielded insufficient results. Subsequently, Esther underwent rehabilitation at CogniMove, leading to a referral to a neuro-optometrist. He examined the coordination between her eyes and brain, confirming that Esther’s neurotransmitters were not functioning properly, causing a delay from the brain to the eyes. Several investigations have unequivocally shown that this is not a psychological problem, but has a neurological origin. However, medical specialists have not linked the findings or documented them on paper. This leaves Esther’s future highly uncertain. “I’m consistently viewed as an exception. Not taken seriously anywhere. I’m hesitant to even mention the term jab injury before arriving somewhere, as skepticism often prevails. I’ve spent around €10,000 already that isn’t reimbursed,”

Jab Injury
Is this jab injury? A term not to be taken lightly. Does jab injury even exist? Or could it be Long COVID, or perhaps it has nothing to do with either? “I no longer have doubts. My symptoms are of neurological nature, and I have vaccine injury. I’ve been spending 2.5 years searching for evidence that things aren’t right in my head, as have thousands of others in the same boat. I’m constantly overstimulated and mega tired. Additionally, I still experience tingling, acidification, cramps, and stiffening in my legs. I can’t stand still for more than 5 minutes; otherwise, I get tremors and muscle twitches. So, I have to cook sitting on a stool. Can you imagine that? When I wake up in the morning, it feels like I have a terrible hangover, and my balance and coordination are poor. My short-term memory has also declined.” During rehabilitation at CogniMove, she discovered that her brain consumes too much energy. And the body doesn’t have that energy. “Two sessions of ten minutes of multitasking cost my brain 300 calories. They explained that my brain has lost connections, and new connections need to be made. It’s like having to relearn everything. This requires an immense amount of energy.”

Living with Jab Injury
Esther has been declared 80%-100% unfit for work because she cannot function. Her future outlook is a mix of acceptance and determination. She lives day by day, accepting her current situation but still striving for recovery. Her life has changed. Her personality has changed. She can no longer spontaneously go on a road trip or enjoy a casual evening out. I’ve known Esther as an optimistic woman and a fighter. But when I ask her how she truly feels now, she says, “How do I feel? I’m broken, have no words left, and sometimes, I can’t see a way out. There are even days when I can’t walk or keep my eyes open to process information. I want rest, to rehabilitate. For our problems, and those of thousands of others, to be acknowledged, and a solution to be found for us.”

Apexx01 Product Research
In September 2023, the final Apexx01 formula was approved, and we wanted to conduct one more product test before making it accessible to everyone. Since Apexx01 focuses on the activation and support of mitochondria, we decided to include a test group of ‘unhealthy’ or ‘fatigued’ participants. Esther was one of them. “When a fellow sufferer asked me to participate in testing Apexx01, I was immediately enthusiastic. I had already heard positive stories about the work of orthomolecular general practitioner Rob Elens. Supplements have never disrupted or worsened anything in that regard, so I thought it was definitely worth a try.”

Jab Injury & Mitochondria
The baseline urine test values showed that Esther’s mitochondria function was low. After three weeks, Esther began to notice a difference herself. “I woke up less tired, had a bit more endurance during the day, and finally, some more energy.” After the second urine test (after 4 weeks of Apexx01 use), Esther had her urine tested again. Although all values had improved, some were still too low. Therefore, Esther continued with Apexx01 after her participation. “Now it gives me more energy, fewer muscle twitches, and better blood circulation. I have less trouble with severe headaches, an improved bowel movement, and better recovery. I am happy with all the small things that bring progress and give my life a bit more quality. It’s not a cure, and not all symptoms are gone, but I’m already happy with these improvements. I hope that my cognitive condition will also improve. I am pleasantly surprised with the increase in energy. This allows me to undertake more activities such as attending a birthday, walking longer, or enjoying a terrace.” Esther adds in the end: “My goal is to fully enjoy life again, as I always did.”

Apexx01’s Mission
Our mission is to make the world a happier and healthier place. Everyone deserves to feel their best! That’s why we focused on a simple but effective way to support health and well-being. The key element of Apexx01 is activating mitochondria: the small ‘powerhouses’ in our cells responsible for producing energy. By optimizing mitochondrial function, we can increase our energy levels, enhance mental clarity, and support overall health.

Keywords: jab injury, vaccine, Long-COVID, COVID-19, mitochondria, Apexx01.